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My genre is both a final paper for the class that dives into the articles and the conversation with scholarly talk, but this website is also part of my genre. Genre can be seen as the mode or type of writing for the overall project. I initially wanted to mainly focus on a website that was easily accessible and outlined more aspects of my project as the final work, instead of a paper. However, I decided to write a paper to capture parts of this work as I am more interested in expanding the scope and reach of this project for my thesis in the program. That is how we landed here: a paper and this snapshot of the project.

My audience for this project are folks who are interested in the ways that immigration is framed in our media and talked about in our culture. My audience are people who look at the impact of issues and want to better understand how the hate perpetuated in our daily conversations and coverage affect those who are different than them. I hope to share this project with folks who are in the middle, politically, culturally, and socially when it comes to immigration issues. I chose to focus on this group because I expect more openness for dialogue, an interest to learn about the impacts of anti-immigrant speech, and a willingness to try and grapple with their questions because they are not at a polar end of the conversation.


I recognize that my critique is meant to be public and I full-heartedly look forward to addressing this audience with the goal to have folks join me in “re-understanding and re-valuing” aspects of the Muslim Ban/Travel Ban (Nothstine, 7). I fear that taking a “neutral” stance during injustice further produces apathy, and I aim to focus on why civic participation and awareness is critical now, as it has been many times before.

Praying In Mosque

University of Denver 

Communication Studies Department

© 2019 by Neda Kikhia.

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